5 Tips on How to Get a Job in the Gaming Industry | What to Pick

The gaming industry's popularity has been on the rise in recent years, with the internet showing how much the industry earns from creating games or even playing them professionally. So, in this article, we will explore and give you tips on the ways to get a sustainable job in gaming on sites like 7 slots or companies like Nintendo.

Develop Relevant Technical Skills

Working in gaming doesn't mean that you always have to be a professional player, although they earn millions of dollars each year, but that kind of job is not sustainable for everyone. Only the top 5% of professional gamers can earn that kind of privilege.

So, for the people, who want to work in this industry, you would probably go for the behind-the-scenes developer or marketing team. There are a lot of courses and schools that are currently open for game development, advertising, and more. You can develop your skills after graduating from middle or high school and start your career after that. If you don't have the money to attend classes, you can always go for online courses or self-learning. Here are some of the skills listed that are sought out in this industry:

  • Graphic Design,
  • Marketing & Advertising,
  • Animation,
  • Game Coding,
  • Game Design.

Build a Strong Portfolio

Whether it's a gaming job or a general industry, a portfolio is a great way to showcase your work to a stranger or potential employer. Because usually, it contains your past works, what you can do, and what you can contribute to the company. It is advisable to spend some time crafting a good portfolio, and some people even go to and extend projects that are beneficial to their overall portfolio. Here are some of the ideas that we can give to improve your current portfolio.



Portfolio Suggested Elements

Graphic Design

Artwork, Sketches, Game Design, Past Art Tournaments

Game Marketing

Proposal Plan, Campaign Results, Resources, Platform Knowledge

Game Coding

Language, Application Knowledge, Bug Fixing Knowledge

Network in the Industry

For some people, having a good network or resources can be crucial in obtaining a job in the industry. Getting vouched by close friends or family can get you a position at big companies that run huge projects. This will then turn into a good experience and an opportunity to climb the gaming industry ladder faster.

Some other people also network with people with skills, you will not know all of the fixes in this industry, but you may know people who can fix the problem. Having people as part of your resources may be the reason your employer hires you. So, if there are game cons and events, please take the time to know the people around you and build a connection from there, you don't have to always know someone online.

Stay Informed and Adapt

The gaming industry is renowned for its ever-changing nature, characterized by continuous innovation and rapid technological advancements. To secure a job in this dynamic sector, it is imperative that job seekers stay vigilant and engaged with the industry's evolution. Here's why staying up-to-date is so crucial:

Trends in the gaming world can shift swiftly. Staying attuned to the latest trends, such as the rise of mobile gaming, virtual reality, or the emergence of new genres, allows you to align your skills and interests with the most relevant areas.

Technology is the backbone of the gaming industry, with hardware and software evolving at an astounding pace. Job seekers must be well-versed in the latest engines, programming languages, and hardware developments. The ability to adapt to new technologies and tools is highly prized by potential employers.

Apply for Internships and Entry-Level Positions

Starting with Internships or Entry-Level Positions in the gaming industry can be a strategic move for aspiring professionals. Here's why these roles are valuable and how they can pave the way for more advanced positions:

Internships and entry-level positions provide the chance to gain practical, hands-on experience. Whether you're working in quality assurance, game testing, marketing, or development, you'll learn the ropes from the ground up. This experience is invaluable, as it helps you develop specific skills and insights.

These roles often allow you to build a network within the gaming industry. You'll interact with colleagues, supervisors, and professionals, who can provide mentorship and open doors to future opportunities. Networking is a crucial element of career growth in the gaming sector.

Although working in the gaming industry sounds fun, there is a lot of work that people have put into the games that you enjoy the most. If you truly want to work in this sphere, be prepared to learn and work hard to create or play games for others to enjoy. Whether you are a gamer, programmer, marketing, caster, or even an event planner, each of them is important for the growth of the gaming industry.

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