Psychological and physiological benefits of video games

For quite some time now, video gaming has been one of the world's most popular leisure activities. Fan communities have formed around some classic games, networking, helping each other with problems and keeping each other up to date. For a long time, the use of video games was frowned upon as deadening and was even linked to various acts of violence in the past. Today, however, it is known that the use of video games can definitely have advantages, which can be related above all to the development of physical and mental skills.

The cliché of the teenage gamer who sits in his dark room for days on end and does nothing but stare at a screen has long been outdated. In the meantime, video games have arrived in the middle of society. In recent times, research has increasingly been devoted to the topic of what positive effects the use of video games can have on the individual user. Therefore, today we would like to present some scientific research results that give a clear indication of the positive aspects associated with the use of video games.

Some researchers at the Max Planck Institute have been able to prove that regular use of video games can have a positive effect on the human brain. It has been found that brain areas responsible for fine motor skills, memory, spatial orientation and strategic thinking are considerably enlarged when video games are played regularly.

It can therefore be said that the use of video games can certainly have a positive effect on a player's physical conditions.

Positive effects on the body: fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are generally understood to be the specific movement of small muscles, mainly in the hands and even the feet. Fine motor skills are thus the opposite of gross motor skills, which refers to the movement of the entire body. So we use fine motor skills to paint, to write or even to tie ribbons and even to operate the controller when we play video games.

As with everything we can train, practice makes perfect. The more we challenge and use our fine motor skills, the better we can apply them. It can be concluded that people who play video games regularly develop better fine motor skills in the long run and can coordinate their fingers faster.

Hand-eye coordination

Video gamers also show significantly improved skills in hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is the skill we use to do things that require the eyes but also the hands at the same time. So hand-eye coordination is a very everyday skill that we use to pick up objects or operate our smartphone. You can also train this coordination by doing a lot of handicrafts, solving puzzles or playing video games, for example.

If you have ever watched a professional video gamer, you have surely noticed that they can react in seconds to aim at the opponent or enter the right key combination at the right moment. For this very purpose, the gamer must train hand-eye coordination.

The memory

As you probably already know, memory is responsible for remembering things and linking information to our previous experiences. Now, researchers at the Max Planck Institute have found that memory also benefits from video games. This finding is also already being used to train memory or to counteract forgetting. For example, there are some old people's homes that regularly offer evenings of video games to prevent dementia.

Here, the participating residents can experience new things, play with each other and, incidentally, stay mentally fit. In the meantime, there are even video games developed for this purpose, which are called "serious games". Thus, the seniors do not play first-person shooters or adventure games, but digital games that do not focus so much on entertainment, but primarily serve the purpose of helping seniors train their memory. And this also benefits the gamer of average video games. They too can train their memory with regular game sessions and keep it on its toes by remembering items or names, for example.

The spatial orientation

This physical advantage of video games may not seem too obvious at first. But think about it for a moment and the connection seems anything but absurd. Think of a normal role-playing game, for example. You are thrown into a world that is completely alien to you and you have to find your way around. Experienced video game players will probably find this somewhat easier than players who are not at all familiar with the genre in question. On the one hand, of course, this is because the experienced player knows what to look out for if he wants to get ahead in the game.

On the other hand, experienced players also benefit from a strongly developed spatial orientation that enables them to quickly find their way around the map and the virtual landscape. Such players can therefore remember paths and prominent waypoints particularly well, which makes orientation much easier. The linking of the game map with the possible paths that the game character can take also contributes to the fact that video game players constantly improve their spatial orientation.

Strategic thinking

This connection is almost obvious. Who can think strategically better than a video gamer who practices every day how best to proceed in order to achieve his goal? Whether in shooters, action games or even strategy games like "Anno" or "The Settlers". A basic ability of the player is to abstract problems and work out a strategic, logically comprehensible solution, and to do so as quickly as possible.

This is a skill that can also help immensely in normal everyday life. Because here, too, it is always important to face problems with a solution that is as goal-oriented as possible. Breaking down a complex problem into its basic components and not immediately losing your nerve can therefore be a really useful skill that is worth practising. If you are a weak strategist, you can even train this skill by playing various games.

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But that is not all. Within the framework of their experiment, the Max Planck Institute was also able to establish a clear connection between mental benefits and the use of video games. In the meantime, this finding has even become so well established that approaches have been created to use video games to treat mental disorders.

The psychological benefits of engaging with interactive media: Self-worth

Self-worth is a term from psychology that describes the value that a person ascribes to themselves. It results from an evaluation of one's own person. And this is precisely where interactive media can come in. Let's assume that a person has hardly any social contacts, receives no confirmation from their environment, and experiences hardly any sense of achievement in their private life.

Here, interactive media can be an instrument to create a certain experience. In the context of successes achieved in the interactive medium, the participant becomes aware that they definitely have what it takes to achieve their goals, which can have a positive effect on self-worth in the future. Enjoyment of the interactive experience and successes in the community can also have a positive impact on a participant's self-worth.


Depression is a mental illness that puts a person in a state that is synonymous with sadness and grief. People with depression feel listless and unmotivated and sometimes even see no reason to get out of bed in the morning. Here, too, interactive media can definitely provide relief. There are cases in which patients report finding their motivation to cope with everyday life again through a certain interactive medium. An interactive experience that we engage with intensively can become an important experience for us humans. In addition to the entertainment factor, interactive media can give a person motivation and vitality.

Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders are defined in psychology as mental disorders that cause people to feel fearful reactions in situations that are not threatening in themselves. Such anxiety disorders can be triggered in everyday life, for example, in banal situations such as traveling by train or entering a large building. Such an anxiety disorder is usually accompanied by a feeling of confinement and discomfort.

Here it is important for the person affected to be able to escape as quickly as possible into a familiar environment. An interactive medium can offer such an experience. Interactive media offer peace, security, and distraction and can thus help a sufferer to overcome their fear in a certain situation.

Is video gaming beneficial for humans?

In summary, the bad reputation that video games once had has been out for a long time. There are several scientific evidences that show that a video game has a lot of potential to help people in their development. Research here distinguishes between physical and psychological benefits that can come with using a video game.

In addition to motor skills and spatial reasoning, which can be improved through video games, the psyche can also benefit from an experience provided by video games. However, one should not forget that the use of video games can also have negative consequences if consumed excessively. Therefore, video games of all kinds should always be used with caution and do not offer an alternative to reality.


In conclusion, the once-negative stigma surrounding video gaming has long been surpassed by a growing body of scientific evidence that underscores their multifaceted benefits for individuals. The transformation of video gaming from an isolated activity to a widely embraced form of entertainment and skill-building has revealed its potential to contribute positively to both physical and psychological aspects of human development.

Physiologically, engaging with video gaming has been linked to a range of enhancements. Studies conducted by the Max Planck Institute have revealed that consistent engagement with video games can lead to the enlargement of brain areas responsible for fine motor skills, memory, spatial orientation, and strategic thinking. This translates into improved dexterity, hand-eye coordination, memory retention, spatial reasoning, and strategic problem-solving abilities. These advancements not only impact gaming but can also have real-world implications, offering individuals more refined physical skills to navigate their surroundings and tackle challenges effectively.

Furthermore, the psychological benefits of engaging with video games are profound. Video gaming can foster a sense of self-worth and accomplishment, especially in individuals who may lack social validation or experience a dearth of achievements in their personal lives. Through in-game successes and community interactions, players can develop a more positive self-perception and a renewed sense of purpose. Video gaming has also shown promise in alleviating symptoms of depression by providing motivation and vitality to those who are struggling with this mental health condition. Additionally, video gaming can offer a refuge for individuals dealing with anxiety disorders, providing a secure and controlled environment that helps mitigate distressing feelings.

However, as with any activity, moderation remains crucial. While engaging with video games offers a range of benefits, excessive consumption can lead to negative consequences. It is imperative to exercise caution and recognize the distinction between constructive engagement and excessive reliance on video games. Ultimately, video games should be seen as a tool for growth and entertainment, complementing but not substituting for real-life experiences.

In this era of advanced technology and interconnectedness, video gaming has transcended its initial perception as mere sources of entertainment to become tools that can enhance physical coordination, mental acuity, self-esteem, and emotional well-being. The amalgamation of scientific insights and evolving cultural attitudes affirms the potential for engaging with video games to be harnessed for personal development. As we move forward, it is incumbent upon individuals to harness the positive attributes of video gaming while maintaining a balanced approach, ensuring that this engaging pastime remains a force for good in our lives.

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