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How William Shakespeare Works Help in Learning Literary English Quickly and Easily
Students from foreign countries, especially non-English speaking areas, find it quite hard to master the English language. It never becomes easier even when you have a tutor unless you dig deep into William Shakespeare’s art of the language. His works contributed to the development of...
4 Apps You Must Install On Your New Windows Laptop
If you have just purchased a new laptop for your personal or business use, then you need to install all the essential apps on it right away. All Microsoft users know that the apps that come with the windows are handy, but they are still many things that your PC will be missing. That is why it is...
Basic grammar rules for legal documents
It is common practice that people receive legal documents, such as mortgages, police reports, complaints, etc., and then are left confused with what they get and read. In legal writing, there is much technical terminology and all texts are made up of complex sentences – all of this is...
How to describe different kinds of websites in English
The Internet is huge, and there are a lot of different kinds of websites out there. If you spend time on the Internet, it's helpful to be able to talk about the different kinds of websites you use in English. Here's an overview of some of the different kinds of sites you might come...
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