“I finally had to just cut him off.”
Your boss likes to talk a lot. You wanted to leave work earlier today but he started to tell you a long story. It was so long that you couldn't listen to all of it, so you interrupted him. Now you're at home and you say this to your girlfriend to explain how you escaped.
I finally had to just cut him off.
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(someone) finally (did something)
The word "finally" describes something that happens after you've been waiting for it a long time. It expresses the idea that something was very late or too late.
Here are some verbs that often follow "finally":
- finally got (something)
I finally got to meet her husband.
So you finally got a smartphone, huh?
- finally decided (something)
So after a few months of talking about it, we finally decided to just go for it and start our business.
- finally managed to (do something)
I finally managed to figure out where they were.
cut (someone) off
To "cut someone off" means to interrupt them while they're speaking. "Interrupting" someone is more general. You can interrupt someone watching a TV show. But "cut ___ off" is used specifically to talk about interrupting someone's speaking. You can "cut off" just a single sentence or an entire story or conversation:
Why do you always cut me off like that when I'm talking?
Sorry, I'm going to have to cut you off there. I've got to run.