“Just give it to me straight.”
Your friend seems like she wants to say something critical of you, but she's being really polite and not directly telling you what she thinks. You say this because you want to know what she really thinks.
Just give it to me straight.
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give it to me straight
This is what you say when you want someone to tell you negative information honestly, without trying to be polite or concerned about your feelings:
Give it to me straight, doc. Am I dying?
What did you think of my performance? Give it to me straight.
You can say this about yourself also, when you have to give someone bad news:
Listen, Lee: I'll give it to you straight. I don't think you have what it takes to make the Olympic team.
Just (do something)
This is an order to do something. You're telling someone to do only what you ask, without discussing it or protesting. Some examples:
Just shut up.
Just listen!
This can seem commanding, but in the right situation, it can also seem helpful:
Just be confident. You'll be fine!