“Now you see what I go through every day!”
Your co-worker covered for you while you were on vacation. Now you've come back, and he's complaining about how difficult the work was. You want to joke about your job being difficult, so you say:
Now you see what I go through every day!
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see (something)
The word "see" can sometimes mean "experience" or "understand":
You'll see: once you get a job and start making money, it's really hard to go back to living like a college student.
Do you see what I mean?
go through (something)
People use the phrase "go through ___" to describe negative experiences. "Go through" means to experience something negative or difficult. Some examples include:
go through a divorce
go through a tough time
go through childbirth
There are some other totally different meanings of "go through". One is to search and examine things in a list or a collection:
We should sit down and go through the details later this week.
Another meaning of "go through" is to use a person or agency to do something for you instead of doing it directly yourself:
Are you going through a recruitment agency?
It's best to remember each of these meanings separately.