English Lessons
“I find that as you get older, you learn what your own strengths and limitations are.”
You're having a conversation with an old friend. You're talking about how your lives have changed since you were younger.
“Oh, have you taken up painting?”
You visit your aunt's house. There's an easel set up in the corner of one of the rooms, but you've never heard about your aunt painting before. This is how you ask her about it.
“There was a period when I was in school when I literally did not turn on the stove for like two years.”
You cooked dinner for some friends. One of them asks if you've always been a good cook. You tell them a story to show that you weren't always interested in cooking.
“I looked over your books, and I jotted down a few questions that I wanted to ask you.”
You're an independent accountant. One of your clients came to your office for a meeting. You tell the client that you want to ask some questions about the documents that she sent you last week.
“When you go in his office, there are books scattered all around.”
You've visited the office of one of your college professors. You say this, describing what his office is like to another student who's never been in there.
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