English Lessons

English Lesson: The clouds seem to be clearing up, so that's good.

You're headed to a barbecue with some friends. It looked like it might rain, but now the weather is improving. You point this out to your friends.

English Lesson: Have they given you any updates on her condition?

Your close friend's mother was hurt badly in a car accident. She's in the hospital and doctors are doing surgery. You go to the hospital to wait with your friend. When you see her, you ask this.

English Lesson: I think you need to go to a mechanic.

Your friend's car is making a strange noise. You think the problem might be serious, so you recommend that she go to a professional.

English Lesson: I mean, I do get where he's coming from...

Your roommate is complaining about something her boss asked her to do. When she tells you the story, you actually agree with what her boss did. You respond to her story this way.

English Lesson: All proceeds go to the American Red Cross!

A student organization that you belong to is putting together a party and concert to raise money for charity. You're selling tickets in a busy area of your campus. You say this to someone who walks by.