English Lessons

English Lesson: If you're feeling under the weather, by all means go home and get some rest.

One of your employees looks sick. You ask her why she came to work, and she says that she has a lot of work to do. You'd rather she go home so that she doesn't make other people sick. You say this.

English Lesson: Coincidence? I think not!

Two of your coworkers are out sick on the same day. You think they are secretly dating each other. You mention to your friend that they are both absent from work, and that you think they aren't really sick.

English Lesson: He swears that it wasn't him.

Someone in your office drew a funny picture on the whiteboard. Everyone wants to know who did it. You suggest that it was Mike, but someone says they already asked, and it wasn't him.

English Lesson: Ooh, pretty!

You and your sister bought a gift for your mom's birthday, but you wrapped it at your house yesterday. You show her the ornately wrapped present on the way to the birthday party.

English Lesson: Did you rearrange the furniture in here?

You are visiting your aunt's house. The living room looks different from what you remember. You ask if she moved the furniture around.