English Lessons

English Lesson: It must have been caused by someone entering the date incorrectly.

You've discovered an error in an invoice at work. You've explained the error to your boss. You try to guess why it happened.

English Lesson: A limp handshake leaves a bad impression.

You're giving a friend advice on how to act in business situations in the U.S. You discuss the correct way to give a handshake and you say this.

English Lesson: Quit nagging me!

Your wife wants you to go to the dentist. She's told you to make an appointment several times in the last few weeks. She tells you again. You're annoyed that she keeps telling you what to do, so you tell her to stop.

English Lesson: Oh, so you’re one of those, huh?

You're a hair dresser. You're talking with a customer while you cut his hair. You ask what he does, and he says that he's a lawyer. You tease him about it.

English Lesson: Hey guys. How’s it going?

You're in charge of a meeting at work. You say this to get the meeting started.