English Lessons

English Lesson: All I had to wear was an old worn-out pair of jeans.

You went on a trip last week, and were invited to a formal party. However, you only had casual clothes in your suitcase. You tell the story to a friend.

English Lesson: Don't build it up into a big deal.

Your friend is nervous about asking a girl on a date. You tell him not to say too much, and just ask her casually.

English Lesson: Everyone there seemed super cool.

You went to a job interview today, and found the people there to be extremely nice, smart, and interesting. You tell your friend about your experience.

English Lesson: Are you referring to Eve?

A customer in your store asks for the salesperson with short brown hair, which sounds like your coworker, Eve.

English Lesson: Excuse me, would you happen to have a pen I could borrow?

You sit down in class and realize you have paper but no pen. You ask the student next to you for a pen.