English Lessons

English Lesson: Don't try to force it in!

You're going on a trip with your friend. He's trying to get your suitcase into the trunk of his car, but there isn't enough room. He's pushing on it hard to try to fit it in, but you're afraid he'll break something. You say this.

English Lesson: Can you loan me a couple hundred bucks? Please, just this once.

There's a concert coming up that you really want to go to, but you don't have enough money. You ask your boyfriend for the money.

English Lesson: I think we need to steer the conversation back to this specific project.

You're leading a meeting at work. Some of the other people at the meeting are talking about problems in the company, but this meeting is supposed to be for talking about a project that you're planning.

English Lesson: What's this world coming to?

You see a commercial for a TV show that looks really dumb. You're disgusted that the network would allow such a dumb show and that people would watch it. You say this to yourself.

English Lesson: Let's definitely keep in touch.

You're at a business networking event and meet someone who you might be able to do business with. You want to continue to talk to this person after the event. Near the end of your conversation, you say this.