English Lessons

English Lesson: Go right ahead.

You're in a coffee shop. Someone asked to use the chair next to you by asking "Is this seat taken?". You're not using it, so you say this.

English Lesson: I've got to get my own place.

You live with your parents, but you get really annoyed with them. You're fed up with it and feel like you really want to move into an apartment by yourself.

English Lesson: Well, it's nice to have you back.

Your coworker took off work for 6 weeks for maternity leave. She returned to work this week, and you just saw her and talked to her for the first time. You say this, finishing your small talk.

English Lesson: How did you find out about this?

You go to an event for people who are interested in learning and studying English. You introduce yourself to someone and ask them this.

English Lesson: I can't control myself when it comes to chocolate.

You're supposed to be on a diet. Someone offers you a chocolate brownie, and you take it. This is how you explain your lack of will power.