English Lessons

English Lesson: They did just a phenomenal job on this event.

In a meeting for the entire staff, the Marketing Director is complimenting how well her employees put together an event. She says this because she is extremely pleased.

English Lesson: The average life expectancy there is something crazy like 82 years.

You read an article about a small island where people live a long time. You're describing this place to a coworker who didn't read the article.

English Lesson: I forgot to charge it.

Your mobile phone doesn't work because the power is low. You want to make a call, so you ask your friend to borrow his phone. He asks why you can't use your own phone. You answer like this.

English Lesson: Next up is Steve. He's going to walk us through the new homepage redesign.

You're in charge of a meeting at work. One of your coworkers is going to give a quick presentation for everyone. You say this to introduce him.

English Lesson: You can't just sit around feeling sorry for yourself forever.

Your roommate broke up with his girlfriend two weeks ago. Since then, he's been at home every day and seems depressed. You don't want to see him being depressed any longer. So you say this to try to encourage him to go out and have fun with other ...