English Lessons

English Lesson: OK, I think that's about it.

You're leading a conference call for work. You've talked about everything that you had planned, so now you end the meeting.

English Lesson: I'm sure it'll be nominated, but I'd be surprised if it won.

You're talking with a friend of yours about a movie that you saw. She says that the movie is an Oscar contender. You don't think that it will win, so you say this.

English Lesson: I just barely made it back in time to return the car.

You rented a car. You were supposed to return the car by 6:00 pm on Sunday. You returned it at 5:50. You say this as you're talking to your friend about your trip.

English Lesson: I read that some researchers did a study and found a link between heart disease and flossing.

You're having a conversation with some friends. You mention an interesting health fact that you read in the news.

English Lesson: You're welcome to stay for dinner.

A friend came to your house to bring back some books she was borrowing from you. You were cooking dinner when she came over. You want to be polite, so you invite her to eat dinner with you.