English Lessons

English Lesson: Every time he cooks, he leaves grease spattered all over the stovetop.

You and your husband are chatting with another couple at a party. You're talking about who usually cooks in each relationship. You usually cook because your husband is too messy. You tell the other couple about how messy he is.

English Lesson: Hey, can you pick up some take-out on your way home?

You don't want to cook tonight. Your boyfriend is still at work, so you call to ask him to bring dinner when he comes home.

English Lesson: You've got to grow a thicker skin if you want to make it in this business.

You're a dance teacher. You criticized one of your students' dance technique, and now she seems upset and angry at you. You know that dancers get criticized a lot, so she needs to get used to it. You give her this advice.

English Lesson: Megan was pissed off at Don, but since she couldn't yell at him directly she took it out on Peggy.

You saw a TV show last night. Now you're talking to a friend who's interested in that show, but missed last night's episode. You explain how two characters got in an argument.

English Lesson: Look! You got ice cream all down the front of your shirt!

Your son was eating some ice cream, but it melted and spilled on his shirt.