English Lessons

English Lesson: All that sun must have really worn them out.

You're riding home after a day at the beach with your young children. The children have fallen asleep in the backseat. You tell your husband this.

English Lesson: That's a really strong composition.

You're an amateur photographer. A friend shows you a photo that she took which looks really nice. You compliment her on how the objects in the photo are arranged.

English Lesson: He had a really great run for a few years there in the late '90s.

You're chatting with a friend about a baseball player. He's older now, but he was a good player for several years.

English Lesson: I woke up this morning to the smell of coffee and the sound of birds chirping.

You're on vacation at a rental house in the country. It was really relaxing this morning when you woke up. You write about it on Facebook to your friends.

English Lesson: I bet the traffic at the beach this weekend'll be insane.

You're planning a trip to the beach this weekend. The weather forecast says that the weather will be great, and it's a holiday weekend, so you think there will be a lot of people there. You say this to your wife.