English Lessons

English Lesson: My heart goes out to all the victims of this tragic event.

There's been a disaster. You want to post a message on a social networking site to show your sympathy for the people who were affected by it. You write this.

English Lesson: I'll have a chef’s salad, dressing on the side please.

You're ordering lunch at a restaurant. You're on a diet, so you're trying to eat healthy. You order a salad but you want to put the dressing on it yourself so that you can control the amount and you say this.

English Lesson: This is my first time going to Europe, so I'm super pumped.

You're planning a vacation to France with one of your friends. You're making small talk about it with a co-worker at your part-time job. You tell him this.

English Lesson: I'd appreciate any feedback you can give me on the content, as well as the spelling and grammar.

You've written a cover letter for a job interview. You'd like your English tutor to review it for you. You want her to correct your mistakes, and also to suggest improvements. You write in an email to her:

English Lesson: Every so often I'll have a dream where I'm being chased by some kind of monster.

You're talking with a group of friends about your dreams. There is a recurring dream that happens to you sometimes. You describe it: