English Lessons

English Lesson: I'm just sitting here, watching the bamboo sway back and forth in the breeze.

You're on vacation at a resort hotel in Asia. Outside of the window is a beautiful bamboo forest. It's relaxing to look at, so you've been sitting next to the window admiring it. This is what you say when your husband asks what you're doing.

English Lesson: My grandpa used to tell me about how he had to get up at the crack of dawn every day to start work on the farm.

You're talking to your friend about people who are hard workers. Your grandfather worked on a farm when he was a boy. You tell your friend this about him.

English Lesson: The question is whether his leg is fully recovered.

You're about to watch a basketball game on TV. There's a show before the game where the sports announcers discuss the game. They're talking about one of the players who suffered a knee injury last year. This is what one of the announcers says abou...

English Lesson: To make matters worse, one of the books I need is checked out.

You have a big research paper due for school in 2 days, and you're worried that you won't be able to make the deadline. You're complaining to one of your classmates who you're working with. You've just listed two problems that are making it hard f...

English Lesson: Do you mind if I ask what your ethnic background is?

You're talking to a guy at a party. He speaks with a normal American English accent, so you think that he grew up in the U.S. But you're curious what country his parents or other ancestors came from. You ask this.