English Lessons


Your brother cut his finger while cutting some onions. There's a lot of blood coming out of the cut. You say this because you're worried about it.


You cut your finger. Your sister wants you to put some medicine on it to make sure that it doesn't get infected. You say this because it's only a little cut and you don't think that's necessary.


Your brother cut his finger. He just put a band-aid on it, but you think he should also use an ointment so that the cut doesn't get infected. You make this suggestion.


You're working on a project at work with a group of people. You're not finished with it, but everyone is tired and it's getting late, so someone suggests picking it back up the next day. You think that's a good idea, but you want to joke that ever...


You're studying a 3rd language. Your friend asks how it's going, and you have just told her that you can understand what's going on around you. But you have trouble explaining your thoughts sometimes, so you say this.