English Lessons

English Lesson: We're meeting up to sign the lease later this afternoon.

You and your partner are moving to a new apartment, and you've just decided where you're going to move. Now you're chatting on the phone with a friend, and you share the news with her.

English Lesson: Oh, I'm sorry. Am I blocking your view?

You're at a political rally. You're standing in a crowd of people. You notice that a short woman behind you is moving around a lot because she can't see the stage.

English Lesson: I couldn't help but overhear you saying something about a film festival. Are you a filmmaker?

You're waiting in line at the post office. Someone in line in front of you was talking on his phone about a film festival that he was in. You're studying to become a film director, so you want to introduce yourself to this person. You start a conv...

English Lesson: You made these from scratch?

Your coworker brought muffins to work today to share. They look great. You're amazed that she made them herself.

English Lesson: She kind of perked up when I mentioned Hannah's name.

Your dog has another neighborhood dog that she's friends with. You set up a time with your neighbor for the dogs to play together. Your dog was excited about it when you came. You're telling this about your neighbor.