English Lessons
“If we all pitch in and help out, it shouldn't take too long.”
Your house is dirty, and you want everyone in the family to cooperate to clean it. You say this in hopes of convincing everyone to help you clean.
“The girl to my left is Adrian's friend Mirlaine.”
You had a picnic with a group of people last weekend. You're showing photos of the picnic to a friend who wasn't there. You say this while telling her who some of the people in the photos are.
“How many times do I have to tell you to clean up after yourself?”
You're mad at your daughter because she leaves a mess in the kitchen when she eats. You ask her this to show that you're annoyed with her for being so messy.
“He's nervous about making friends at the new school.”
Your 12-year-old son is going to start at a new school next week. He's worried about it because he doesn't know if he can make friends. You're telling your husband about it. You say this.
“Just be yourself.”
Your son is starting at a new school and is worried about making friends with other students. You give him this advice about how to make friends.
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