English Lessons


You had lunch with a friend of yours who you haven't seen in a few months. You are finishing your meal and getting ready to leave. You want to be polite but you don't immediately want to plan another meeting with him, so this is your suggestion.


One of your friends knows a famous singer. Your friend invited you to a party, and the singer was there. Your friend introduced you to him. Now you're telling your sister about meeting the singer. She asks how you met him, and this is how you expl...


You met and talked to a famous singer. You expected him to be unfriendly and intimidating, but when you met him he was nice and easy-to-talk-to. You say this when you tell a friend about him.


Your friend recently moved to a large city. You are talking to her about her experience living in a larger city. You want to ask her if she's seen any famous people.


You applied for a job in a foreign country. Your friend knows that you applied for it. You just found out that you got the job, and you're happy. You say this to your friend about your good fortune.