English Lessons
“We've all taken very different paths in life.”
You're telling a friend about your brothers and sisters. One of them is a musician, another one is a housewife in the suburbs, and you work in a large corporation. You're explaining why you're all so different.
“It's not that long of a hike.”
You and a friend are in the countryside. You want to hike to the top of a small mountain, but your friend isn't sure if he wants to do it. You say this to convince him to hike up there with you.
“She's talking up a storm these days.”
You're talking to your friend, who lives in another city. She asks about your baby, who she hasn't seen for several months. The baby talks now, so you say this.
“There is no local Brooklyn-bound service between 34th Street and Canal.”
You're riding the subway in New York City. The train conductor makes an announcement because the train isn't stopping at its usual stops. She says this.
“I've been meaning to ask you: do you know what's up with Matt?”
You haven't seen your friend Matt for a few months. You're not sure why he hasn't been in touch. Now you're having a conversation with another friend of your who also knows Matt. You remember that you wanted to ask about him, so you ask this.
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