English Lessons

English Lesson: You think you can just go around spending money left and right?

Your girlfriend isn't very careful with money. She just bought some clothes online, but you don't think that you can afford them. You yell at her about it.

English Lesson: As I was riding the train home, I realized that I'd left my keys in the closet at work.

You're telling a story about a time when you got locked out of your house. You've described the basic situation, and now you want to describe the interesting event that happened.

English Lesson: I'll shoot her an e-mail and find out where we stand.

You've hired someone to create a new design for a website you run. Now you're talking with your business partner, who mentions that the designer hasn't sent any updates in a few days. You offer to deal with it.

English Lesson: If someone is mean to you, don't hit them. Just tell the teacher.

Your young son got in trouble at school because he hit another child. He explains that the other child was being mean to him. You teach him how to handle that situation.

English Lesson: I was wondering, is there any way that we could move these meetings up earlier in the morning?

You have a meeting each morning at work. The meeting happens in the middle of the morning. It's not a good time because it interrupts your work. You ask your boss about changing the meeting time.