English Lessons

English Lesson: Let me send an email to I.T. and have them give you access to the network.

There's a new employee who's just started working in your department today. You're training her. You realize that she doesn't have computer login and password yet, so you offer to help her get one.

English Lesson: Easier said than done.

You're not in very good shape. Your friend is giving you some advice. She says that you should exercise every day, but you're very busy so it's not easy to find time to exercise. You think in response to your friend's suggestion.

English Lesson: I bet the meeting this afternoon'll be pretty short since David's out.

You're chatting with a coworker during your lunch break. You have a department meeting scheduled for this afternoon, but you don't think it will last long.

English Lesson: What did you get?

Your teacher has graded your class's tests and is returning them to you. You want to know what grade your friend got on the test, so you ask this.

English Lesson: You constantly have to be learning just to keep pace with the latest developments.

You're a software programmer. You're talking to someone you've just met about your job, and explaining why it's difficult.