51 Essential English Phrases to Boost Your Sales Funnel Copy

You are here on this particular article because something you read encouraged you to click on this website and read on. Words have the ability to move people to action, and that is precisely what good copywriting does.

Essential English phrases that can boost your sales funnel copy include: “Guaranteed or your money back”, “Start your free trial”, “Inside scoop”, “Join a community of (insert no. of customers)+ happy customers”, “For a limited time only”, and “Experience a world free of (insert problem).” 

The trickiest part of writing a compelling sales funnel copy is choosing the correct words and phrases that will motivate your prospects to act on their instincts. In this post, I list 51 phrases that will boost traffic on your website and amplify your sales.  

English Phrases That Will Definitely Convert Your Prospects Into Paying Customers

Writing a great copy is half the battle won, but it requires a strong command of not only the language but also its nuances. There’s a reason copywriting is a great career for language enthusiasts, and they’re often paid handsomely for it.

With that being said, here are a few phrases that can skyrocket your funnel conversion rate:

1. Phrases That Reduce Uncertainty in The Customer’s Mind

92% of consumers visiting your website are not ready to make a purchase on their first visit.  Since the sales funnel entry point is the most challenging part of converting, your only goal should be to keep your prospects interested enough to move further down the funnel. 


Using phrases that give your prospects a sense of no-strings-attached removes the fear of commitment and allows them to explore your brand further. Decreasing such risk will make them actively seek out your brand for their purchasing needs. 

Here are some examples of phrases that you can use in your copy:

  • Sign up/Try for free

  • Unsubscribe/Cancel at any time

  • Guaranteed or your money back

  • Try it before you buy it!

  • No hidden/additional fees

Remember to avoid using technical jargon and instead depend on colloquial language, which your customers will understand easily. 

2. Words That Establish Your Brand as Credible 

Uncertainty is the biggest obstacle in the journey of converting. The less your customers know about your brand, the less likely they are to do business with you. 

You can counteract this by creating brand awareness and promoting transparency through your sales marketing funnel. Let your customers experience for themselves why you’re such a great brand!

The first step is to have a credible online presence with a great website that takes your customers through a sales funnel.

The ClickFunnels sales funnel builder is a great option for having professional quality funnels done for you in a few clicks.

The next step is to amplify your sales funnel design’s impact on your customer with a great copy.

Here are some phrases that build confidence within customers toward your brand: 

  • Free for the first (insert time period)

  • Start your free trial now

  • Find our testimonials/reviews

  • Book a free consultation/demo 

  • Join a community of (insert number of customers)+ happy customers

3. Phrases That Generate Curiosity and Prompt Interaction 

Copywriting plays one role in all sales funnel aspects: encouraging customers to delve deeper. Writing a compelling copy that makes the reader want to know more about your brand is essential to conversion.  

Here are a few words that will pique their interest and force them to engage:

  • Learn how to…

  • Inside scoop

  • See why…

  • Find out how to/you can…

  • What if?

  • Discover/Unlock (insert product/service/solution) 

4. Sentences That Show You Care About Your Customers  

If you want customers to trust you with their needs, show them how deeply you understand and relate to their issues. Let them know that your brand is aware of their challenges, goals, and desires. 

This will demonstrate your capacity to empathize with them and, more importantly, establish your product or service as the answer to their problem.  

  • We’ve got your back

  • Ever wish you could… 

  • Experience a world free of (insert problem)

  • Imagine never having to (insert problem) again…  

  • We get it…

  • You deserve 

  • Discover what it’s like to… 

5. Questions That Drive Your Customers To Make a Purchase  

Once you’ve informed your customers about what your brand brings to the table, the next step should be to differentiate yourself from competitors. Move the conversation away from your product or service and assist your customers in understanding the value your customers will get. Ask yourself, What do you offer that no one does? 

  • How can (insert brand/product name) help you achieve (insert customer goal/desire)? Click here/Read more to find out! 

  • Are you ready to (insert product or service benefits)?

Your customers should be able to visualize how great they will feel and how your products or services will impact their lives. Focus on your customers' pain points so they trust you with the solution to their problem.

6. Words That Reflect Your Brand Value

Your value is what you show your customers your value is. Creating and promoting a strong brand identity through various mediums is not enough to gain your customer’s trust. 

How you speak about yourself reflects on how customers perceive your brand.


Speak confidently and clearly about your brand image, flaunt any notable titles that you may hold, and always remember to address the quality of your products and services in your copy; after all, it is something that every customer seeks.


  • (Insert location)’s best/only 

  • One-of-a-kind 

  • Approved/Recommended by 

  • Featured in

  • Leading in 

  • We specialize in… 

  • Purchased by (insert number of customers)+ satisfied customers 

7. Phrases Which Induce Urgency 

If you’re looking for sales, you need to tell your customers exactly what you want them to do and why. The fastest way to guide the customer towards fast purchasing decisions is by appealing to their fear of missing out. Running limited-time offers and discounts is an excellent way of invoking urgency. 

  • Get/Buy it now!

  • Save your spot

  • While supplies last

  • Before it’s too late!

  • [Hours:minutes:seconds] left until the offer ends

  • Don’t miss yours!

  • For a limited time only

  • Last chance to (insert offer)

8. Action Verbs That Ooze of Positivity and Highlight Benefits 

Before purchasing, every customer compares the benefits you offer them with the price they are paying for it. It is important that you clearly convey the benefits of doing business with you using positive words that reflect growth and improvement. 

If the perceived benefits of your products or services outweigh the perceived costs, they will be more inclined to act on their will to buy. 

Here are a few phrases that you can use:

  • Enhance your

  • Boost your 

  • Amplify your 

  • Grow your

  • Improve your

9. Writing That Tells Your Customers They’ve Got a Great Deal

The price points of a business come second to none on a customer’s “great brand” checklist. They always strive to achieve the best quality at the lowest rates possible. 

Introducing occasional offers is a great way of showing your customers that you are grateful for their business and you care about giving back to them, even if it comes at the cost of earning less profit. 

  • Get your money’s worth

  • Buy one, get one free

  • Without breaking your bank

  • Free shipping 

  • Collect rewards

  • Earn points

Being a great copywriter is not all that difficult. It just requires consistent effort. And there are tools to make the job easier for you. Do check out my article on the best copywriting tools for some professional writing assistance!

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