“All right – let's get to work.”
You're leading a group of people that are decorating for a wedding. You discuss the plans with the group and tell each person what to do. Now it's time to break up and start doing the work, so you say this.
All right – let's get to work.
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all right
This is a transition that we often use in spoken English to shift between one mode of conversation and another.
For example, if a speaker was giving instructions before but now wants to give a signal to start working, he or she can say:
All right - let's get to work.
This phrase can also be used when you've been debating something and now want to announce your final decision:
All right, let's move ahead with Shinohara's plan.
get to work
To "get to work" means to begin working. This phrase gives the impression that there is some work that needs to be done, and you need to start on it. You can use it in a command like this:
All right, everyone. Stop socializing and get to work!
Or you can talk about yourself:
There's a lot to do. I'd better get to work.
Of course, these same words can also mean "get to (the place where I) work":
I have to get to work by eight o'clock.