English Lessons

English Lesson: I don't get what I'm supposed to do.

You're in a training session at your job. The trainer has given a long explanation of a new product, and then asks you to try it together with another person. You're confused about what exactly your task is.

English Lesson: At my work, they block a lot of sites that don't have a clear business purpose.

The company that you work for has a very strict policy about using the internet at work. You explain this policy to a friend.

English Lesson: There's not that much to it, really.

You know how to juggle. Now you're showing your nephew how to do it. You tell him that it's not as hard as it seems.

English Lesson: So then he whips out his phone and he's like, "Yo, let me get your number."

You had a conversation with an annoying guy this morning. Now you're telling the story to a friend. You tell her about how he asked for your phone number.

English Lesson: We design and sell high-end luxury apparel.

The company that you work for makes expensive clothes. You're chatting with someone who you just met. You tell her about the company.