English Lessons

English Lesson: Some people say that The Bible doesn't apply to modern life. Well, I couldn't disagree more. 

You're a Christian. You believe that people should follow the teachings of the Bible more, but you know that this is not a very popular opinion. You share your opinion with a friend.

English Lesson: A find like this isn't going to stay on the market for long.

You're a real estate agent. You're showing a really nice house to a young couple. They seem to like it, so you encourage them to act soon to buy it.

English Lesson: Stop obsessing over it and just post it already!

Your boyfriend is going to post a photo from his birthday party. He's taking a long time to choose the photo and write a message. You want him to relax.

English Lesson: No one's going to come knocking on your door. You've got to take the initiative.

Your teenage son doesn't have a job. He seems depressed about it, but he hasn't been looking for a job very actively. You give him this advice.

English Lesson: He proudly served on the New York police force for over 30 years.

Your father just passed away. He was a retired police officer in New York. You're giving a speech about him so you talk about his job.