English Lessons

English Lesson: Someone walked in on me while I was in the bathroom.

You were using the bathroom at a restaurant, and forgot to lock the door. Someone opened the door while you were using the toilet. Now you're telling your friend what happened.

English Lesson: I hear you're training to run a marathon.

You're chatting with a coworker. You heard someone talking about her last week because she's training intensely for a marathon. You mention this to her because you want to learn more.

English Lesson: I'll fiddle around with it for a while.

A co-worker is trying to create a spreadsheet to calculate some information. He can't figure out how to calculate it, so he asks you for help. You can't immediately fix it, but you'd like to try a few different options. You say this.

English Lesson: Uh, babe? You might want to trim that beard...

You're going to the ballet with your boyfriend tonight. When you get home from work, you notice that his beard looks a little messy. You suggest that he clean it up.

English Lesson: Yeah, that's totally fine. The more the merrier!

You invited a friend to your neighbor's barbecue party. He asks if he can bring his girlfriend. You tell him you think that will be fine.