English Lessons

English Lesson: It's mostly just spread through word of mouth.

You have a blog. It's started to become really popular. A friend asks how it became so popular, but you didn't do any advertisement for it. You say this.

English Lesson: Oh yeah: when does your passport expire?

You're planning a vacation to Mexico with your husband. You suddenly realize you should check both your passports in case they expire soon.

English Lesson: I think I'll be able to squeeze everything all in the one bag.

You just paid for your groceries at the supermarket. You brought a bag, but the cashier asks if you need another. You tell him you think your bag is big enough.

English Lesson: I also seem to recall him promising to cut the deficit, and he didn't come through on that either.

You're having a political debate with someone on an Internet forum. You're listing things that you don't like about the current president. One thing you don't like is that the country is in debt, and the president hasn't fixed that.

English Lesson: Back when I was in school, teachers would spank you with a paddle if you misbehaved.

Your grandson got detention today for being rude to the teacher. You think his punishment wasn't serious enough. You tell him what happened when you misbehaved in school.