English Lessons
“Ah! It's nice to finally get a few days to relax.”
You've had a stressful, busy workweek. Now it's Friday and you're enjoying a beer with a friend. You tell him how glad you are that the week is over.
“It's all done in-house.”
You are visiting a nice new coffee shop. You tell the barista that the shop smells delicious. The barista explains that they roast their own coffee beans.
“He says that it took him many years to find his true voice.”
You're talking about a famous standup comedian that you like with someone else who's also a fan. You heard something interesting about the comedian recently, so you share it.
“Better than nothing, I guess.”
You want a cup of coffee, but you've run out of coffee at home. You make a cup of tea instead, and say this to yourself:
“Big deal! Get over it.”
Your brother is complaining about a leaky sink in his apartment. Your apartment is much worse: you saw a cockroach last week. You feel annoyed and tell him he really shouldn't complain.
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