English Lessons

English Lesson: I don't know, sweetie. Check the expiration date.

Your son asks if some yogurt that's in your refrigerator is too old to eat. You're not sure. You say this.

English Lesson: Anyone can do it. It's just a matter of practice.

You play guitar really well. Your friend asks how you got your skills, so you explain that it was actually easy.

English Lesson: Any objections?

You are ordering pizza for your office. You want to make sure everyone likes this plan.

English Lesson: I wound up going over to James's place and sleeping on the couch.

You went out with friends last night. You call your friend in the morning to tell her what happened at the end of the night.

English Lesson: It's adjustable.

You bought a new baseball hat. Your friend tries it on, just for fun, but laughs because it's much too small. You point out the velcro in the back.