English Lessons

English Lesson: Yeah, it's an acquired taste.

You offered a friend a beer, but she says that she doesn't drink beer because she doesn't like the taste. Although you like beer, you say this because you agree that it tastes strange and can understand why some people don't like it.

English Lesson: All right. Next item of business is our departmental savings goals.

You're leading a meeting at work. You've finished talking about the first topic of the meeting. Now you say this to introduce the next topic.

English Lesson: I tried to merge into the right lane, but there was a car in my blind spot.

You almost got in a car accident earlier today. Now you're describing what happened to a friend of yours. This is how you describe the accident.

English Lesson: I think you forgot to attach the PDF.

Someone sends you an e-mail message at work. In the message, she writes something about a PDF document that she included with the message, but you don't see any PDF. This is what you write in response.

English Lesson: They set a pretty high bar for me.

You're talking to a new friend about your relationship with your parents. They are both very successful people professionally: your father is a doctor, and your mother is a judge. This is what you tell your friends.