English Lessons

English Lesson: The Jets have let their 12-point lead going into halftime slip away.

You're watching a basketball game. One team was winning. before by 12 points. Now the other team is winning. There's a time out, and the game announcers say this.

English Lesson: No. I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable.

One of your company's suppliers shipped some materials to the wrong factory, so you had to shut down production. It's costing you a lot of money. You're calling the supplier to complain. They tried to make an excuse, but you won't accept it.

English Lesson: You can't show up to an interview with scuffed shoes and your shirt untucked!

Your teenage son is going for a job interview. He tried to dress up for it, but he still doesn't look very neat. You yell at him a little bit to dress more nicely and say this.

English Lesson: Please stop me if you have any questions.

You're giving a presentation in a meeting. You want the audience to feel comfortable with interrupting you to ask questions, so you tell them that it's OK at the beginning of your presentation.

English Lesson: My job requires me to put in a lot of late hours.

You often have to work until late in the evening. You're telling an acquaintance about this situation.