English Lessons

English Lesson: Not a chance! I've got this one in the bag.

You're playing tennis against a friend. You like to tease each other. He says that he's going to beat you. You boast that you're going to win.

English Lesson: I think I blew it.

You had a job interview. Your roommate asks how it went. You think that you did a really bad job in the interview, so you say this.

English Lesson: I wish I'd studied something a little more practical.

You're talking to someone at a party. You start to talk about what subjects you studied in college. You studied Political Science, but after you graduated you didn't find a job related to that field. Instead, you have a low-paying job as a waiter....

English Lesson: Let's... talk about that offline.

You're leading a large meeting at work. One of the attendees in the meeting asked you a question. The answer is only important for that person, so you don't want to take up everyone else's time. You respond this way.

English Lesson: If anything, I have to actively work to put on weight.

You're chatting with a group of friends about your weight. Some of them say that they have to work hard to lose weight. You don't have this problem at all. You describe your situation.