English Lessons

English Lesson: Did you see it when it was out in theaters?

You're talking with someone about a movie that was popular when you were younger. You've both watched the movie, but you want to know if she watched it in a movie theater or at home.

English Lesson: He thought he'd just sprained it, but it turned out it was fractured.

Your uncle injured his ankle while he was jogging. The injury was more serious than he thought at first. You're talking to a friend who knows your uncle.

English Lesson: I have to say, I've been so impressed with how you've just taken the initiative and really stepped up on this project.

You're doing mid-year evaluations of your employees. Now you're talking with one employee who is very helpful and does work without being asked to. You explain how happy you are with her.

English Lesson: The laundry room is closed for repairs until further notice.

Your apartment building has a room where you can do your laundry. When you go there one day, it's closed and there's a sign on the door that explains why.