English Lessons

English Lesson: Actually, some people say it's not good to stretch without warming up first.

You and a friend are discussing exercise techniques. He says that he always stretches before exercising. You've heard that that's a bad idea.

English Lesson: For real?

Your friend told you that she was chosen to go on a TV talk show. You're really surprised, and you want to make sure that it's really true.

English Lesson: We have a complimentary breakfast buffet available from 7 to 10 a.m.

You work at a hotel. A guest is checking in. You're telling him about some of the things that your hotel offers. You explain that he can eat breakfast for free.

English Lesson: A lot of insects like butterflies and mosquitos go through a life cycle with several distinct stages.

You're talking to a child. You've found a butterfly together. You're explaining how butterflies and caterpillars are related to each other.

English Lesson: I'll see your five and raise you five more.

You're playing poker. The last player bet five dollars. You think that your cards are better than his, so you want to stay in the game and bet even more. You say this while moving your poker chips.