English Lessons

English Lesson: She used to report to Amy, then she got promoted to Manager and Amy moved over to the Pricing department.

You're talking to a coworker who's fairly new to your company. You've been at the company longer. You're explaining some of the history of your coworkers.

English Lesson: Your funds will be available in two to three business days.

You work at a bank. A customer is depositing his check. You tell him when he will be able to use that money.

English Lesson: I'll just need to see a photo I.D.

You work at a bank. A customer wants to cash a check. You need to make sure that this is the person who the check is written to, so you ask for proof.

English Lesson: The fender is a little dented. Otherwise, it's as good as new.

You're trying to sell your car online. Someone calls to ask about it. He asks if there are any problems with the car. You tell him about one small problem it has.

English Lesson: Maybe you can settle this debate we've been having. Who do you think is hotter: Beyoncé or Rihanna?

You're meeting your friends at a bar. You and one friend have been drinking and talking for a while. You've been debating your opinions of famous pop stars. Another friend arrives, so you ask him what he thinks.