English Lessons

English Lesson: She's trying on a pair of pants.

You're shopping for clothes with your sister and her boyfriend. He was walking around the store and has just found you again. He asks where your sister is, so this is your answer.

English Lesson: Your balance is $2,154.

You're at an ATM. You're seeing how much money is in your bank account. This is the message on the ATM screen.

English Lesson: It calls for vanilla extract. Do we still have any?

You want to make a cheesecake. You read a recipe for it. The recipe says that you need an ingredient that you don't use often, so you check with your wife, who usually cooks.

English Lesson: Do you want the aisle seat?

You're boarding a plane on a business trip with your coworker. You want to be polite, so you let your coworker choose the seat.

English Lesson: Remember that sketchy neighborhood we used to live in?

You're talking with an old college friend. You're remembering old times together. In college, you and your friend were poor so you lived in a cheap house in a dangerous part of town. You remind him of this.