English Lessons

English Lesson: It was nice and all, but it didn't quite live up to the hype.

A new restaurant opened recently in your city. It's gotten very positive reviews and you've heard several people talk about it. You went there this weekend and didn't like it as much as you expected. You're telling a friend what you think of the r...

English Lesson: He's a guy from my apartment complex.

You run into someone at a shopping mall who lives near you. You're with your friend, who asks how you know this person. You explain.

English Lesson: Those were the days, huh?

You're hanging out with an old college buddy. You've been remembering funny stories of things that happened in college. It's made you feel nostalgic.

English Lesson: How are you fellas?

Your teenage son has brought some of his friends over to your house to play video games. You've met them all before but don't remember all of their names. You say hello this way.

English Lesson: He's just insecure, and he tries to drag other people down to compensate.

You have a coworker who often says rude and insulting things to people. He insulted your friend, so she's upset. You want to make her feel better, so you explain why this coworker is always insulting people.