English Lessons

English Lesson: I'll keep an eye out for it.

Your coworker lost one of her earrings and is looking for it. You haven't seen it and you're not going to search for it, but you want to say something supportive to your coworker anyway.

English Lesson: It was supposed to be an investment, but it turns out it actually depreciated in value.

You bought a house a few years ago because you thought that it would be a smart financial decision, but now the house is worth less than you bought it for. You're complaining about it with your brother-in-law, who's visiting you.

English Lesson: I'll take that as a 'no'?

You asked your friend if he wanted to go out to a dance club with you. He just laughed. He doesn't usually go to clubs, so you think that his laughing means that he doesn't want to go.

English Lesson: Do you happen to know a guy by the name of Fred Breedlove?

You're talking to someone at a party. He tells you that he grew up in a small town. You know one person from that town, so you ask whether this person knows him.

English Lesson: If you don't behave yourself, you're going straight to sleep after dinner. Do you understand me?

Your son is behaving badly during dinner. You threaten to punish him this way.