English Lessons
“It must be great not having to answer to a boss.”
Your friend recently quit his job and started his own business. You're envious because you wish that you didn't have a boss. You comment on it to your friend.
“It's a terrible, terrible tragedy.”
There was a major flood nearby. You've been watching news reports about it. You and a coworker are talking about how bad it is for the people that live there.
“It's kind of hit-or-miss.”
You've been watching a comedy TV show. A friend asks what you think of it. Some episodes are good and others are bad, so you describe it this way.
“Hey, I think I'm going to cut out a bit early today.”
You'd like to leave work earlier than usual today. Your boss doesn't care, but you tell him about it so that he knows where you are.
“What a coincidence! I was just about to call you.”
A friend who you used to work with calls you. You were thinking about this friend earlier today, so you mention this when you answer the phone.
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