English Lessons

English Lesson: I need to swing by the office and drop off a few documents.

You're talking on the phone to your friend, who you're supposed to meet after work. You've just left a late-afternoon meeting at a client's office. You explain why you can't drive directly to meet your friend.

English Lesson: If it doesn't fit you, let me know and I'll give you the receipt to exchange it.

You bought your niece a shirt for her birthday. You weren't sure what size she wore, so you say this when you give her the shirt.

English Lesson: Where do you stand on gun control?

You're talking about politics and social issues with someone who you've recently become friends with. A recent topic in the news is whether there should be laws to make it harder to buy a gun. You want to know what he thinks about this.

English Lesson: There's a tournament being held in April that I was thinking about signing up for...

You take kickboxing classes. You saw an advertisement for a competition and thought that you'd like to try it. You mention it to your teacher to see what she thinks.

English Lesson: Well, it's the thought that counts.

Your cousin sent you a birthday present. It was a book, but you're actually not interested in reading that book at all. Even though you don't like the gift, you're happy that your cousin sent you something. You think this to yourself.