English Lessons

English Lesson: I'm sorry. What was your name again?

You're at a professional networking event. You've been talking to someone for a few minutes. He introduced himself at the beginning of the conversation, but now you've forgotten his name. You ask again.

English Lesson: This place is dead!

You go to a nightclub. There aren't many people there, so you're disappointed. You say this to a friend who's with you.

English Lesson: I feel sorry for young folks these days, entering this job market saddled with these enormous student loans...

You're having a conversation with a friend about the difficult economy. It's difficult to find a job now and the cost of university tuition is very high. You comment on how hard it is for young people.

English Lesson: Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I've been swamped.

A professional contact calls you. He left a voicemail message for you last week, but you forgot to call him because you were so busy. After saying hello, you apologize and explain why you haven't called him back.

English Lesson: There's some kind of bug going around.

It's winter. A lot of people that you work with are getting sick with colds and flus. You're worried that you're going to get sick too. You're talking to your wife about it.