English Lessons

English Lesson: They set up a meet in an abandoned warehouse by the docks.

You like to watch a certain TV show about undercover police. You're telling a friend about the plot of last night's episode. You say this.

English Lesson: What'd you do? Did you go cold turkey, or try to ease out of it?

Your friend tells you that he's quit smoking. You're happy to hear that, and want to know more about how he did it. You ask this.

English Lesson: I urge everyone to take advantage of the free flu shots being offered this week.

Your company gives employees free shots to protect against getting the flu. You think everyone should get one so that they don't get sick. In a meeting, you announce this.

English Lesson: He was extremely animated.

You saw a speech by a famous author. While he was speaking, he seemed really excited and moved around the stage a lot. Now you're describing the situation to a friend. You say this.

English Lesson: Do you want to go for a stroll along the river?

You're taking a girl on a date. You're trying to suggest fun things to do together. There's a pretty river near you, so you suggest this.