English Lessons

English Lesson: OK. Let's get down to business.

You're in charge of a committee at your church that is planning a fundraising event. You're having a lunch meeting with the other members of the committee. Everyone has had time to order their food, make small talk, and start eating. Now you want ...

English Lesson: Everything is really blurry. I can't even make out what that sign over there says.

You're chatting with a friend in a cafe. You start to talk about your glasses. Your friend asks how well you can see without them. You take off your glasses and say this.

English Lesson: You should have seen the look on his face. It was priceless!

You played a trick on your brother and really surprised him. He made a funny face. Now you're telling a friend the story of what happened. You say this to describe his reaction.

English Lesson: On the count of three. One, two, three!

You and a friend are going swimming in a pool. It's a little cold, so you're both afraid to jump into the water. You agree to jump in together at the same time.

English Lesson: Sales have been steadily increasing since the launch.

You're giving a presentation about the sales results of a product which your company recently started selling. The say this because the company has been selling more and more of the product each week.