English Lessons


You're talking to a coworker and she mentions a popular TV show. You don't watch TV, so you've never heard of it. In fact, you don't know much about new TV shows, music, movies or politics, so you tell her this.


You're watching a movie about a guy who lives in New York. The character is a waiter at a restaurant, but the apartment he lives in is big and new-looking. You know that New York apartments are really expensive. You say this because don't believe ...


You watched a movie. You weren't able to enjoy it because you thought the characters and the setting were too unrealistic. You're discussing the movie with your friend, and you say this.


You're at a hip-hop concert. You run into someone that you work with. You didn't think he liked this kind of music, so you're surprised to see him there. When you first see each other, you say this.


You're gossiping with your friend about someone you know who's recently split up with his wife. Your friend said that they were "separated", so it makes you think that they haven't gotten a legal divorce yet. You ask this to check to see if you're...