English Lessons


You used to live in New York. Someone you just met is asking you about living there. You offer this astute observation.


You've entered an art competition. You feel quite confident about your submission. Now you're talking with your girlfriend, you say this about whether you'll win or not.


The small company you work for was featured in the New York Times and has been overwhelmed with orders from new customers.


The small company you work for was featured in an article in the New York Times. Since then, thousands of new customers have started to contact you and buy your products. The number of orders that customers have made is so high that it has been di...


There's an art contest at your school. You're an artist, but you don't feel confident in your ability so you don't think you'll be able to win. You don't think you should enter the contest. After telling your friend that your work isn't good enoug...